1. Open Google Chrome by clicking on the Google Chrome application shortcut or by clicking START > Google Chrome > Google Chrome

  2. Once Google Chrome launches, locate the User-Icon on the top right corner of your window

    If there is a NAME listed -- a USER is LOGGED IN.
    If there is NO NAME listed and you see a person ICON like this , continue to STEP 7.

  3. To remove a current user, Click on the User's Name and a drop down screen will appear. Click SWITCH PERSON

  4. A new window will appear with the user, click on the arrow next to the person's name and choose "REMOVE THIS USER"

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for any other users listed in this window.

  6. Close this WINDOW by pressing the X on top right of the screen.

  7. Click on the Person Icon   and click SIGN INTO CHROME

  8. Enter the user's credentials and click "SIGN IN"

  9. Click "LINK DATA"

  10. Your name will now be visible on the Chrome Browser!

  11. If this is a public computer, PLEASE MAKE SURE TO LOG OFF AND REMOVE YOURSELF before you leave.