When sharing a document created via one of the three main Google Apps (Docs, Slides, Sheets) publishing the file to the internet may be a better option. Most beneficially, Publish to Web allows you to share the document without having the viewer see all the toolbars and buttons of a working document. Notice the difference:
In Google Apps
Published to Web
Publishing in most cases means a final edited master for public consumption however with Google, a published document can be continually edited and updated. One example of this would be ICS' Main Office Display, which is a published Google Slides presentation which is updated periodically. Also, these documents can have embedded hyperlinks, since they are published to the web. See ICS' Weekly Newsletter.
You can publish any document you create using Google apps simply by going to File > Publish to Web.
Once published, you will be provided a link. This link is where your published document exists. Not to be confused with the URL used to share your document for editing and viewing access.