During the first two-weeks of this phase, Enrollment team will begin calling all students who are in the status "RE-ENROLLMENT: NOT STARTED." The aim of this phone call is to get a response from any parent who has not responded. Enrollment Team will call families 3 times before the student is withdrawn and loses his/her reserved space for next year.
All responses must be received by First Friday in March.
Here is the process:
- Log into Schoolmint
- Click on Admissions > Manage Re-Enrollments
- Select the correct school you will be working on AND select the ALL GRADES AND the status "RE-Enrollment: Not Started"
Start with the first student, scroll to the ACTIONS column and click "View Student Profile"
This will open up the student profile, look for Parent/Guardian Info and find the home phone
Call the number and...
"Good morning my name is _____, We are calling from <<<SCHOOL>>, We would like to know if your child will be returning for the next school year. We did not yet receive a response from your Intent to Return form and we are giving you a courtesy call to find out if your child is returning."
If parent says "Yes":
"That's great! We will go ahead and reserve your child's space for next year. You'll need to visit the school to pick your re-enrollment packet, so keep an eye out for the school's communication in the coming weeks. They will let you know when the packets are ready for pickup and if there is a re-orientation meeting. Thanks for speaking with me today."
then Move to step 7 to continue
If a parent says "No":
"I'm sorry to hear that! May I ask why he/she will not be attending next year?"
If the answer is due to an issue at our school, please try to work with the parent to possibly come up with a resolution.
If the answer is due to something beyond our control (e.g. Moving, too far, etc.), then thank the parent and continue to step 8.
If no answer or sent to voicemail:
If VM available - say, "Good morning my name is _____, We are calling from <<<SCHOOL>>, We would like to know if your child will be returning for the next school year. We did not yet receive a response from your Intent to Return form and we are giving you a courtesy call to find out if your child is returning. We need to hear from you by ______. This is our (First, Second, Final) call to you regarding this. If you do not respond by ____, you will forfeit your child's space next year." Then move to step 9.-
If a parent says "Yes", log the interaction and then change the status from NOT STARTED to IN-PROGRESS
In the Student Profile Page, Click on "NOTES" and then "ADD NOTE"
From Dropdown select "Phone Call by Enrollment Team"
In the notes section, enter the time you called and any other pertinent information (optional).
Click "ADD NOTE"
Locate the Actions column and select "Change Status"
Check the box that says "Send Notification" and click "Confirm Status Change"
Done, move on to next student (starting at step 4) -
IF A Parent Responds, "NO", log the interaction and change status from NOT STARTED to NOT RETURNING.
In the notes section, enter the time you called and any other pertinent information (optional).
Click "Add Note".
Locate the Actions column and select "Change Status"
From the dropdown select "NOT RETURNING"
Select reason for NOT RETURNING:
Check the box that says "Send Notification" and click "Confirm Status Change"
Done. Move on to next Student at step 4. -
If a parent is a no-answer or VM,
...and this is your 1st or 2nd or 3rd call, then, log the interaction.
In the notes section, enter the time you called and any other pertinent information (optional).
Click "Add Note".
After 3rd and final call, follow step 8.