Purpose: To clarify the access level and request process for editing site master calendars.

Operational Definitions:

  • Internal: The internal calendar is used for inter-site and inter-district calendaring. All staff have view access to any site-level internal calendar by visiting Master Calendar Subscriptions page. Internal calendars are prefixed with "Internal -" in the title.
  • Website: The website calendars are public calendars for public display on our external websites. All staff have view access to any site-level internal calendar by visiting Master Calendar Subscriptions page. Internal calendars are prefixed with "Website -" in the title.

View Access: By default, all staff at Ingenium Schools has view access to both Internal and Website Calendars.

Subscribe Process: Please read this article to subscribe to any master calendar.

Default edit access: Edit access (Make Changes to Events) shall be provided to site administrative staff by default. Specifically: Administrators, and Admin Managers.

Requested edit access: Staff needing access to edit events (Make Changes to Events) on both internal / website calendars should submit a request to their manager for edit access. Managers will submit a request to the helpdesk on the user's behalf.